Where is BK Archery located? 


We are located on Bristow, VA and Near Mt Airy, MD, which is a property of Izaak Walton league of America in Bristow, VA and  near Mt Airy, MD. We operate at the indoor archery range at the shooting center, and at a nearby outdoor archery range near the indoor range.





Please refer to the link below. And for all sessions, IZAAK WALTON membership registration is mandatory.





Contact bkarcheryjoadclub@gmail.com to register.


If I resistered a membership, do i pay more money for use the range(s)?


No you don't, if you sign up for a membership, archery range use is free for one year.



Can I book lessons online? 


New members who have completed membership registration are eligible to receive lessons.

We intend to add this feature in the near future. In the meantime, follow the Contact link to e-mail us to book your lessons.

When someone is just starting out in archery and looking to purchase equipment, about how much money should they expect to spend?



It can vary depending on factors like the age and physique of the beginner. Generally, for a beginner bow and arrows excluding high-end equipment, prices can start at around $700. As one progresses and requires more specialized gear for precision, the cost may increase.



Do I need my own equipment to attend private lessons? 


You do NOT need your own equipment to attend 60-minute private lessons or any of our introductory lessons. We provide basic recurve equipment for beginner lessons. After you've developed some proficiency in archery, your coach will help you decide what equipment to buy.
You will need your own equipment - and be able to demonstrate archery proficiency - to attend our group lessons.




Can I attend group lessons as a beginner? 


Unfortunately, no. We view group lessons as a follow-on to private instruction. During private lessons, your coach works directly with you to establish correct, repeatable archery form in accordance with the U.S. national archery standards. During group lessons, your coach must divide their attention among several archers, which could allow you to develop some bad habits. It's better to develop very good form, and then progress to group lessons.




Can you teach me how to compete in archery tournaments? 


Absolutely. Coach Kim also started as a competitive archer who had many experiences competing in a variety of indoor and outdoor tournaments in South Korea since 1988. We will be happy to assist you in your competitive journey. 




Do you teach barebow? Or is it the same as traditional archery?


 Unfortunately, the only discipline taught is the Olympic Recurve style. Although the types of bow are similar, they vary slightly-- We provide training optimized only for the Olympic Recurve style.




How old do i have to be?


 You must be at least 8 years or older regardless of skill level. 




What payment methods are accepted?


We offer several payment options. Currently, you can pay using Venmo, Zelle, checks, and cash. If you need any assistance with the payment process, please feel free to contact at bkarcheryjoadclub@gmail.com 




Are there any promotions for private 60 min lessons?


Yes, there are. For further information, please contact us by email. Private 60 min Lessons promotions are non-refundable, so please make your decision carefully.

Ready to sharpen your archery skills?

Join us for an exciting coaching session and experience the thrill of archery!